CompensationOct 3, 2018

Best offer negotiations you ever had

Just for fun, but what are some of the best negotiations you ever had in professional world? Might be increase in base, RSUs, Sign Ons, etc etc etc. Let me start with myself: asked for x amount got 1.5x as TC

Microsoft 4655434b Oct 3, 2018

I pushed for more, they said no, co went out of business...

Aurora bystander! Oct 3, 2018

Yep. Well deserved lesson. They wish they had you. Would have saved their asses.

RingCentral Thenga! OP Oct 3, 2018

Haha! So technically here they negotiated but still you made the profit!

Oracle Perksb Oct 3, 2018

In the initial offer discussion, when recruiter told me the number i said” it was good working with you , i cant accept the offer “. Next day i got 2x comp(tc)

RingCentral Thenga! OP Oct 3, 2018

Oh nice! Was it with Oracle ??

Amazon eldorodo Oct 3, 2018

What was the role? Leadership?

Microsoft compiler Oct 3, 2018

Apple recruiter increased the rsu and bonus by 2x after saying multiple times that they have pulled all strings and reached the highest possible number.

Google linker Oct 3, 2018

Haha what was the offer in the end? For me they wouldn't budge, even when I walked away.

Buffalo NY Oct 3, 2018

Recruiter said x amount is the max they can do as TC. I said I had competing offer (did not have any). Got 25% more the next day.

RingCentral Duck Bezos Oct 3, 2018

Really? This is weird that there is no way for employers to verify but if employers have the budget for an open position they should not be stingy and offer less money at first and wait for negotiation.