Misc.Oct 2, 2019

C++ for embedded systems

I have always been interested in embedded systems/ IoT and have started doing some reading to get myself reasy to jump into some personal projects. I looked on youtube, coursera, udemy, etc for some courses but i realized they all use C programming as the language. I have always C programming but somehow i can manage C++. Is C++ at all sufficient to go into embedded systems?

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Facebook ⭕w⭕ Oct 2, 2019

Go C, or go home.

Bloomberg offByOme Oct 2, 2019

Embedded is not about any language specifically, it’s about understanding and working closely with hardware. Operating systems understanding is critical.

Bloomberg ⚰️digger Oct 2, 2019

There also used to be that part which you had to crosscompile the toolchain and the g++ compiler was too fat of a pig to fit (that, libc, stdlib++ and so on). Nowadays Arduinos can be programmed even in python or c#. Java used to have a limited subset / os/ VM for embded. One spec was Java smartcards (used in Sim cards) and another slightly larger was Java mobile edition. (Grand daddy and good inspiration point for Android).

R162 Oct 2, 2019

C all day for embedded.