
CAD support/training/consulting Salaries?

Looking for info on typical salaries with company's (or resellers of) like Autodesk, Solidworks, Seimans, etc.

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Apple oldjackson Sep 7, 2017

If you are good at CAD you can probably do better working on an industrial project like say a new fab for Intel. Excellent hourly rates

tltl0223 Sep 29, 2017

It really depends where you are and what type of projects you want to work on and the size of company you want to be with. In the engineering industry it’s highly important to me to be with a firm that has great work culture more so over salary. Let’s face it the whole industry can be rather um... dry and you’re spending 10-12 hours a DAY with these people. I worked for a firm with an excellent culture but they didn’t pay very well IMO. Then I was recruited to a much smaller firm, they paid better but their culture was complete crap. I was miserable and because of the people I worked with I eventually ended up with anxiety with the advice from my doctor to start looking for another job as this one just wasn’t the one for me. started at where I am now and their culture is very much like the first firm and medium sized they matched what I was making at the crappy place and I’ve never been happier!! I love where I work and who I work with. We are having to relocate across country, I knew I wanted to make more so I looked for a firm with the same vision/projects/employee personalities as my current employer. With the help of a great recruiter I believe I found exactly what I was looking for. Good luck!!

tltl0223 Sep 29, 2017

But to answer your question, sorry I completely forgot haha, when I first started in 2004 I was making $20/hr contract, the company knocked my pay down $3/hr to be hired on full time. I was laid off from them in 2009 then went back in 2013 at $25/hr again on contract and dropped $3/hr again to go back to full time. I left that company in 2015 at $27/hr (btw no bonuses here but worked on hellacool projects with awesome people. Learned a ton too). Next miserable company hired me at $60k/yr. I left within 9 months, hired at current company at $60k/yr and have since become plumbing designer at $64k/yr all this is in Denver. Moving to Atlanta and I just accepted an offer for $70k. Hope that helps