CompensationJul 30, 2019

Can Citadel outbid FANG?

I got reached out to by Citadel Securities for a Hybrid Quant Software Engineer. I have a burgeoning interest in fenance so I’d geniunely be interested in working there. However, based on a Blind post from last year, Citadel Securities TC pays around 325K, but you can make that much coasting at L5 at Google so the extra stress hardly seems worth it. Can folks familiar with Citadal comp speak to how much they pay for the equivalent of an L4/L5 FANG engineer? They don’t have an entry on TC 270K - Compare career levels across companies - Compare career levels across companies
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Uber rqDs70 Jul 30, 2019

They can definitely outbid fang, but it will mostly be in the bonus, and you will have more pressure. Which location are you looking at?

Facebook DenOProles OP Jul 30, 2019

The offer was for Chicago but I’d be looking for a position in NYC. Perhaps it’s a moot question because Citadel only hires quant SWEs in Chicago. Unless you’re placing trades or whatever it is that quant SWEs do at Citadel, how can you get a big bonus?

Uber rqDs70 Jul 30, 2019

By doing an excellent job, depends on your position I guess... But FYI, on there is an entry of salary at 600k for 6y of experience, I don't think fang would pay that for 6yoe

Citadel JqHE58 Jul 31, 2019

325k TC is on the very low end for Quant.

Facebook DenOProles OP Jul 31, 2019

Is the hybrid quant SWE role a “quant” position from your/Citadel’s perspective?

Mesosphere Onesie Aug 1, 2019

It is not. Likely OP got confused and saw that you got a quant title.

Citadel iAmLegend. Aug 2, 2019

You can expect 350 - 400K TC for quant software Engineer @ 6yoe. But if it was quant, the entry point is at 400K TC and highly variable.