Tech IndustryMar 14, 2019

Cartas culture

Anyone working at Carta? I got an offer but Glassdoor says the company culture is not that great!

Carta outlet Mar 26, 2019

Carta is a great company to work for. There are growing pains for sure as we’ve been scaling quickly for the past 18 months and will continue to scale in the future. You’ll get to work at a transparent company that if we succeed will change the future though, best place I’ve ever worked.

Carta Mfei88 Mar 26, 2019

Glassdoor reviews are pretty reflective of what most people think. There are constant random layoffs, to the point where the CEO addressed it last week. He made a point that the longer you are at carta, the unhappier you are.

Carta fVkT01 Mar 27, 2019

As a current Carta employee, I disagree. There aren’t constant “random” layoffs in my experience. The people that have been let go that I know were not performing. My bet is if you were to do the same survey at any company there would be an inverse relationship between tenure and satisfaction—it’s not something unique to Carta. Carta is a rocket ship and, sure, there are growing pains. But my experience has been terrific and it’s been the best job I’ve ever had.

Carta xh4Gd72 Mar 29, 2019

I work at carta, I've been there 6 months. I can only speak to the culture in the SF and Seattle offices. So far for me, it's been the most enjoyable work atmosphere in my 12 years of experience. People work hard, and the smart people that are working hard are either great service providers or solving problems.

Carta wqjK58 Mar 29, 2019

There will always be the one person who gets mad and leaves a bad review, and the company doenst push for good reviews because it doesn't need to. Read all extremely low and extremely high reviews with a grain of salt.. Its a great company to work for and i think most people there would agree