Tech IndustryAug 1, 2018

Coinbase engineer manager interview

Has anyone been through it recently? What to expect?

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Console Connect gqDS15 Aug 1, 2018

Are you sure it’s an engineering manager position or a bait & switch? I’ve seen it happen before at Coinbase.

Slack ufTJ81 Aug 1, 2018

What does bait and switch mean in this context? Not managing a team and just being a normal software engineer?

Console Connect gqDS15 Aug 1, 2018


BlackRock RobG Oct 19, 2018

I interviewed back in Feb. Piece of advice: get an offer elsewhere before you interview with coinbase. They are in a spot where they attract a lot of talent and they take their sweet time with non IC roles. 1 HR call 1 Phone screen with another EM (on management style) On-site (6 slots with 1 system design) Recruiter will give you a detailed break up of the focus for each interview beforehand