DiversityJan 19, 2018

Diversity & merit

About what percentage of people who complain that diversity efforts hurt “merit” hires do you think got their start from a referral or have referred people?

82 Participants
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AppDynamics bthom Jan 19, 2018

What percentage of polls here on Blind are loaded questions set up solely to reaffirm the poster's preconceived political notions? 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-100% 200%

Amazon A 🌲 Jan 19, 2018


Microsoft yMcg47 Jan 19, 2018


Microsoft XUel05 Jan 19, 2018

Not me.

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Apple Kdneuslq Jan 19, 2018

Only sexism if a white male behaves like this. Otherwise, its allowed.

Oracle Pavenant Jan 19, 2018

0%. They got no friends.

Credit Karma Johmy OP Jan 19, 2018

Haha, aww.

Microsoft yMcg47 Jan 19, 2018

I have never been referred to a job. Always done it through job ads

HCL updwncrypt Feb 19, 2018

Still 80% of employment is by referral, doesn't change the statistics.

Meah Jan 19, 2018

I wonder how worried OP is about not being hired because they aren’t good at their job...

Credit Karma Johmy OP Jan 19, 2018

I have a job and am not actively looking for a different one. I also hire people, so I don’t get a referral bonus opportunity.

Credit Karma Johmy OP Jan 19, 2018

I’ve read that 3/4 of tech companies have referral bonuses and about 50% of tech hires are referrals. HR publications say that referrals lead to much more loyal and lasting employees. Anyone here work in HR, does this seem more or less true? Tech and Finance have the highest rate of referrals while government jobs have nearly no referrals. Tech and finance are largely homogeneous in social backgrounds but government jobs rely on things like standardized tests are have a very diverse workforce. I like referrals in many ways, but I think 1) because people refer people who they know from similar social backgrounds, it leads to unintentional homogenization 2) it shows that “who you know” and therefore not merit alone is a significant factor in hires for tech.

0_ Jan 19, 2018

Last company's HR used diversity=women. That's just downright wrong.

Uber Dr. No Jan 20, 2018

At all the companies I’ve worked at, a referral gets you a better shot at an interview. I have a problem with with diversity programs as implemented because they change the interview process and hiring bar. I would actually support efforts to get more diverse candidates in the pipeline. Equality of opportunity is the goal, not equality of outcomes.

HCL updwncrypt Feb 19, 2018

"Change the hiring bar"? Lol. Have you ever been asked, or any Engineer you may know been asked to lower the bar during interview because the candidate was a minority? If any company do that they will lose their good Engineers. Also referrals give a candidate an head start over other candidates, so, it's like merit with a little push in the back.