Tech IndustryJul 10, 2018

Facebook SWE interview and SQL

Are SQL questions asked in Facebook phone and onsite coding rounds for SWE interview? The email recruiter sent me did not have any SQL in the list of topics, but I do see a few SQL questions on Leetcode tagged with Facebook.

DataMentor Jul 10, 2018

I would suggest u to learn the big data 101 from IBM cognitive and HQL from IBM cognitive...very similar to sql..and u can learn it in one day provided u understand the fundamentals of Hadoop and how hive architecture is...i have a few friends working for Facebook and their primary focus is using big data with Hive...

Nielsen pm_me_tc Jul 10, 2018

The SQL questions are extremely easy. Facebook's interviewing process is amazing imo. -get to know you -facebook live notebook session -questions are typical SQL questions and a couple python-esque syntax questions -wrap up

Microsoft IBKl87 Jul 10, 2018

Is this for SWE loop?

Nielsen pm_me_tc Jul 10, 2018

Data engineering interview. Not sure if de's are categorized under swe's but that was my experience for de. Very acceptable interview from every angle. Questions were not outrageous abstract polygon rotation questions. They just wanted to make sure you think fast under most situations from my experience.

i'mdank Jul 10, 2018

I dont think they ask SQL for SWE interviews. They are probably asked for Data engineer / Data scientist roles.

Autodesk EyAl81 Jul 10, 2018

Data engineer interview packet had nothing but sql related questions. 1/2 hour sql 1/2 your python.