Misc.May 1, 2019

Google Pay / Fi 'death sentence'

Is this a real thing? I use Google Pay for almost everything and I'm on Google Fi. Happy with both services so far especially Fi. I really don't want to go back to Verizon or ATT but this makes me reconsider a bit... https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/01/14/the-ludicrous-google-pay-death-sentence-can-lock-your-fi-account-and-phone-number/

The ludicrous Google Pay 'death sentence' can lock your Fi account and phone number
The ludicrous Google Pay 'death sentence' can lock your Fi account and phone number
Android Police - Android news, reviews, apps, games, phones, tablets
Amazon n0v May 1, 2019

Sounds about right for google CS.

Amazon bgoc01 May 1, 2019

Why? They both are doing pretty well, no?

EA YesSir01 OP May 1, 2019

well in terms of what?

Amazon bgoc01 May 1, 2019


Amazon QkTE33 May 1, 2019

Google doesn't have customer support. Google doesn't think of you as a customer in the first place, you're a "user". Customers buy ads. Google thinks everything to do with users should be automated and so long as that works for 99% of users they will be able to sell ads to ad buying customers. They don't give a flying fuck about users beyond that.

EA YesSir01 OP May 1, 2019

I agree with the whole 'you're an user' concept when it comes to gmail, maps, etc but I'm yet to see any ads served in my Fi or Pay experience. I also agree that they tend to ulta-automate everything and users suffer while Google polishes it and gets it right.