Tech IndustryJul 8, 2018

Got this feedback from FB—what steps should I take to improve? any resources that can help me articulate better?

“It came down to communication, everything else was in line. I would be mindful of speaking a bit slower, clear and organized in your answers. When thinking about and talking about breaking down a problem or critically thinking through a problem, make sure you are organized and thoughtful in your approach and how you communicate out” Any resources that I can read up that’ll help me with this? Or any excercizes I can do to get my points across better?

A10 Networks Thundar Jul 8, 2018

Are you a native English speaker?

AVU008 OP Jul 8, 2018


A10 Networks Thundar Jul 8, 2018

Hmmm. I’ve seen this kind of feedback on people who have thick accents and speak too quickly.

Salesforce JaEE06 Jul 8, 2018

Read more books and sign up for 750 Words. Unclear speech means unclear thought. Writing skills reveal clarity of thought. And toastmasters

Apple cF4y32 Jul 8, 2018

It means your words and thoughts are not concise and not articulated. Practice makes it better, write your how/what/when Solutions in STAR and practice how you improvise. What’s your YOE?

AVU008 OP Jul 8, 2018

~2 years

Apple cF4y32 Jul 8, 2018

That’s totally OK given your YOE. Team and Manager are aiming high and has unrealistic expectations because they are FB. It’s something you learn as you go.

Facebook BaseFook Jul 8, 2018

TBH, it's fucking bullshit and sounds like nitpicking

Facebook McChicken Jul 8, 2018

Probably because multiple interviewers couldn’t follow your explanations or you weren’t clear in communicating your thought process. Be more vocal about what problem you’re currently trying to solve, possible solutions you’re evaluating, and why you’re choosing to go with a specific solution.

AVU008 OP Jul 8, 2018

Okay this really helps. Thank you

AVU008 OP Jul 8, 2018

So during a case example it would be fine to lay out 3 solutions id consider, break them down one by one based on pro and cons, and then eliminate the ones that have most room for error, and then present the right one based on my explanations and thought process? I can do all that out loud and won’t be dinged for considering the other 2 lesser solutions from the onset?

Google Superggg Jul 8, 2018

It sounds like they are trying to nicely say they you ramble while speaking very fast and jumping around various topics. You may want to consider taping yourself presenting, then watch and see how you come across. You may want to watch with someone that you trust to provide honest feedback.

Google ∞ + 1 Jul 8, 2018

Talk to people you've worked with closely, and ask them for feedback. They might be able to give you some insights. Take interview feedback from recruiters with a grain of salt. Due to liability reasons, they can't really go into specifics with you, so it's really generic advice. ... But maybe you talk really fast when you're nervous?

AVU008 OP Jul 8, 2018

Yeah I’m going to talk to coworkers about it. I think nerves was a big thing, I’ve been dreaming of FB for awhile and I can see that leading to me being not my normal self. I’m really good with public speaking, was a debator back in the day and throughout college was involved in many similar things and did well. Need to figure out a way to calm down

Splunk 🥓🥓🥓! Jul 8, 2018

Of course because Facebook Engineers are more eloquent than Rodger Penrose on his finest day. 🙄

BerryBerry Jul 8, 2018

Read up on management consulting interviews. They have huge focus on exactly this. Check Case in Point as an example.

Compass FUPayMe Jul 8, 2018

Be less nervous