PoliticsDec 4, 2018

Haha Republican Projection strikes again

Republicans keep screaming about voter fraud. They find a handful of cases where non-citizens accidentally voted. Meanwhile they were paying people to illegally collect and hide absentee ballots. Just wow. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/419561-woman-admits-to-picking-up-absentee-ballots-in-north-carolina

Woman says she was paid to collect absentee ballots in North Carolina House race
Woman says she was paid to collect absentee ballots in North Carolina House race
Amazon onMyWay Dec 4, 2018

“Non-citizens accidentally voted” Lmao, can’t make this shit up.

Apple Momoneyplz OP Dec 4, 2018

Let’s see. Republicans found like 3(?) cases where it happened...nationwide...even if it was malicious that isn’t exactly changing any elections And while we’re at it let’s not forget Ms RepublicansVoteTwice https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/10/29/trump-supporter-charged-with-voting-twice-in-iowa/?utm_term=.ea2f065748e2

Amazon onMyWay Dec 4, 2018

I hate it when I accidentally vote. Sometimes I’m walking along, trip and accidentally vote. It’s the worst!

Google Really?🤨 Dec 4, 2018

Don’t forget if they lose they change the rules to limit powers of democrats. Look at North Carolina in 2016 and now Michigan and Wisconsin. That party needs to die to let a Conservative party take over as minority party.

Amazon onMyWay Dec 4, 2018

In the same way democrats eviscerated the power of the filibuster in 13 and had it come back and bite them with regard to Kavanaugh? Lol

Google Really?🤨 Dec 4, 2018

No they did that for low level judges. Which when Mitch McConnell just shut that whole process down in 2014. Allowing trump to grab every opening from 2014-2018. Talk about putting crazy people on the bench. Then the gop removes the fillabuster in 2016. The only 2 judges without 60+ votes with a giant * next to their name is Kavanaugh and Neil g. Once trump goes to jail or dies gop is screwed.