Tech IndustryAug 27, 2019

High TC companies in NYC

What are some companies that pay 250K+ for mid-level software engineer position (3-5 yoe) in NYC? I know Google, Facebook, Amazon, Uber, Two Sigma, Jane Street (and maybe Bloomberg?) Any others? TC: ~160K

CRUDY Aug 27, 2019

Dropbox / Lyft / LinkedIn / Bunch of hedge funds. Bloomberg may match the criteria for few but don’t expect hikes after 250K

Amazon UniCRONJob Aug 27, 2019

Googs and Ubsie fasho. EFB/Gram if you want no wlb. Amzies is okay but not really. Try for Snap and Linkie and Dropsie.

OFI Global ZZZ999 Aug 27, 2019

cursed comments

Google autoseller Sep 4, 2019

Not google if you get L3 (which is common for non FANG devs < 7 years exp)

Amazon vbjimg Aug 27, 2019

is it hard to change rock to stone?

BlackRock BSJF4 Aug 27, 2019

Not that easy unfortunately... 😕

Susquehanna International Kristaps11 Aug 27, 2019

Most of the trading firms, Bloomberg, Goldman on the right team. I imagine a few startups or startup-like companies like Sidewalk Labs pay a good chunk though idk how open they would be to hiring some random mid level dev.

BlackRock BSJF4 Aug 27, 2019

I thought Goldman doesn't pay so well. I do want to stay in finance tho.

Susquehanna International Kristaps11 Aug 27, 2019

If you have experience working with trading systems or something relevant like gps programming, game dev, signal processing etc etc I’m sure GSET can put up a fairly competitive offer.

Activision Blizzard battat7 Aug 27, 2019

Hedge fund or financials you're looking at 350k or more for senior level

Amazon fejj zebos Aug 27, 2019

Erm no, a few elite hedge funds sure, most would be half of that.

Twitter YuhYeet Aug 27, 2019
