Tech IndustryAug 30, 2018

How are Waymo interviews different from Google?

I'm interviewing at Waymo soon (for software engineering). I heard it's a bit different from Google, but I don't understand how. Should I expect leetcode problems? Should I review things like memory management (generally not covered on leetcode) or multithreading? What should I expect from the interview in general, in comparison to the standard Google SWE interview? How do they differ?

Nielsen CClA23 Aug 30, 2018


Intuit Minikube Aug 30, 2018

I was told by a middle man (not official wayno recruiter) to not mention Google as such. Apparently every company under Alphabet competes with each other so don’t google this and google that. They are their own thing and want to be recognized as their own.

Nielsen CClA23 Aug 30, 2018

Then what the heck is the point of being under alphabet

Google momagler Aug 30, 2018

Money. Funding for other Google bets come from ad $$$

RackWare Dreamlight Aug 30, 2018

Alphabet is just a holding company.

Rockwell Collins cscY72 May 2, 2019

Can you share your interview experience?