FitnessJan 14, 2019

How do you find balance?

How do you balance working towards your goals and living in the present? I feel like I spend a lot of time on the former and it’s exhausting.

PagerDuty cptE47 Jan 14, 2019

When you’re on your deathbed, you’re not going to be thinking, “I wish I had a bigger house or a nicer car.” You’re going to wish you lived a fulfilled life where you were happy. Even the richest companies and powerful governments will be nothing but ash and forgotten memories after the passage of enough time. We are so afraid of not living up to our potential that we often fail to enjoy the present. The gift of health, beauty, sexuality. The ability to create connections. The privilege of being desired. Go explore the world, create a meaningful connection with a partner, learn an art and express yourself in some way. You may not always be able to.

Facebook pipirupiru Jan 14, 2019

me on my deathbed: "I wish I did more leets..."

Salesforce GDUe46 Jan 14, 2019

This here is the damn truth. rand.randm Jan 14, 2019

Same here mate.

ktFx33 Jan 14, 2019

One key to be happy is being able to leave work at the office when you go home. If you can’t then you need to think about why not. At my previous employer I was always stressing about annoying coworkers. At my current job I don’t do this as my coworkers are more respectful.

BNY Mellon design20 Jan 14, 2019

I find that remembering that the world will go on without me, right sizes me and keeps me more grounded. Life is truly short. At the end it’s about how did I contribute, not just how much stuff did I take.

Postmates frig Jan 14, 2019

I use routine to stay balanced. I have tea time in the morning before work, then work a solid day, then come home and cook myself dinner, get stoned, and watch a show or listen to a podcast. You have to make time for the little things that you do alone and give you time for reflect. It’s also important to not sacrifice your bodily health either. You can be successful and still make it to the gym, still take weekends out of town. Balance is not hard once you stop trying to do everything at one. Carve our time for this, time for that. And just flow with it.

Addepar weeeeeeee Jan 17, 2019

Balance implies compromise. Instead of thinking it like compromising, think of it as prioritizing. If something is really important to you, you will sacrifice everything else to make time for it. If you feel like you don’t have time to do xyz, it’s because it’s not actually important to you. Instead of feeling guilty about it, just recognize that you have other things you value more, and it’s totally okay.