Tech IndustryJun 7, 2019

How to get into FAANG?

The Autodesk culture is making me lazy and not promoting the growth in my skill set. Plus, the salary is peanuts. I feel I am being undervalued and looking for challenging roles in FAANG. Has anyone else felt the same? Ex-Autodesk folks- what was your strategy in jumping to FAANG?

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drinksonme Jun 7, 2019

I have no knowledge on this but I’m commenting to bump it up

Google __human__ Jun 7, 2019

It's the same from anywhere and is pretty simple: Make sure you have solid CS skills, particularly around leetcode type questions, as well as system design problems if you aren't a new grad. Get referrals to every company you can. Crush whiteboarding Collect and negotiate offers.

MathWorks >>MW Jun 7, 2019

TC ?

Autodesk OLXL54 OP Jun 7, 2019


Google etf Jun 8, 2019

asking what your total compensation is at Autodesk

Google etf Jun 8, 2019

are you an engineer?

Autodesk OLXL54 OP Jun 11, 2019

Yes sir

Google etf Jun 11, 2019

come in as a technical solutions consultant or even solutions consultant. It is not a SWE position but there is opportunity to prove yourself with good perf ratings, and submit code in the process. After 1 year of good work you can do an internal ladder transfer to become a SWE, now that you already work here.