Tech IndustryMay 2, 2019

How to succeed in PM role at FAANG companies?

I will be joining one of these in coming months and I would appreciate tips and advice to be successful in PM role. I will be Senior/Principal. 1. What has worked for you as PM or engineer to form a partnership to launch a great product/feature. 2. How do you earn trust of your team as a new member? 3. What do engineers appreciate about a good PM? 4. Do engineers prefer the PM to provide all the details of a feature so they can implement it exactly (this is my experience at Disney to most part) or they love coming up with solutions as long as PM defines what is needed and why is it needed? 5. What else?

Google SPResign May 2, 2019

Why not just say you are joining Amazon? :-) FAANG just makes that obvious. PM quality differs significantly b/w these cos

Disney aHzn32 OP May 2, 2019

Could be or could be not joining Amazon 🤔 Facebook is not bad either. I am more curious about what engineers appreciate and hate working with PMs

Amazon azmix May 2, 2019

Didn’t they ask you all these questions in the interview? So you should know the answer to them already.

Google SPResign May 2, 2019

More importantly, OP is asking these questions as "Senior/Principal". Someone needs to learn to bluff better

Amazon azmix May 2, 2019

Or raise their hiring bar ;-)

Disney aHzn32 OP May 2, 2019

Awesome 👏 and the trolling continues 🤣 Hopefully someone will help! You guys have no idea how scary it is for outsiders to work at FAANG, knowing these things from engineers directly can help believe it or not

Google insecureG May 2, 2019

There's a difference between critical questioning and trolling. There's enough hints in your post that you are lying, you are probably not a PM, forget a senior one and most likely haven't cleared interviews at any of these place. Nobody here is motivated to help someone who lies on an anonymous app

Disney aHzn32 OP May 2, 2019

Sure dude! You judged it well, why can’t I ask the same question if I was curious even without having an offer? Why do I have to lie about it? Calling someone a lier is critical questioning? I do have multiple offers and I am trying to understand how to be successful at those places.

Apple Snut Ella May 2, 2019

Realize that a PM’s biggest asset is her ability to tell a story and gather allies behind an idea or a project. While technical chops are super useful, don’t try to complete with the engineers. Even when you are right about a technical detail, you are wrong because that’s not your job.

Disney aHzn32 OP May 2, 2019

Do you have more on gathering allies behind an idea from your experience?

Apple Snut Ella May 2, 2019

Well yes. But mostly just don’t be an ass and be in it for the long haul. PMing can be lonely since you’ll be the one PM for probably 10-20 devs. YMMV. The one thing you have going for you is that you probably have a better sense of the strategy and what other teams are doing. So build allies by taking the time to help devs relate and understand the bigger strategy. Mostly though it’s keep your promises and don’t be an ass. You aren’t in charge, you are the PM. There’s a difference. One piece of advice. It’s easy to become the note taker in meetings. Don’t become this person. Be nice and helpful but as soon as you become the scribe you’ll never be looked at as a peer to engineerings. The exception is when it’s your or your boss’s meeting or if you want to use your notes to push an agenda.