Tech IndustryJan 21, 2019

How's the WLB in Spotify, Cambridge?

Engineering roles specifically TC: 220k

Amazon tenders Jan 21, 2019

Good, you can just listen to music all day

Spotify qbeforeu Jan 21, 2019


Spotify WizzAir Jan 21, 2019


Amazon user67 OP Jan 21, 2019

9-5 feasible?

Spotify iPNh35 Jan 22, 2019

Lol are you kidding half the leads do half days constantly and nobody cares. New York takes sick days like you wouldn't believe and nobody cares. You get away with a lot more if you have kids though

Spotify VnEB34 Jan 23, 2019

It's part of the culture since the beginning, and it's why we've been so successful.

Spotify JkvF87 Feb 7, 2019

I don't think we have engineers in Cambridge..