Tech IndustryJan 18, 2019
Market Trackpmnote

I got recycled after onsite rejection?

I did an onsite with YouTube for TPM.. then they asked for an additional interview via Hangouts to have more data abt my technical judgement. After that i got texted and recruiter told me to wait 1 year to reapply but couldn't give me any other feedback other than there were no red flags. I asked if i should apply to a different role and she said that as long as it's not TPM or PgM then i wouldn't need to wait the full year. A week later the recruiting cooridinator emails me and says another hiring manager was interested in speaking with me based on interview feedback. She passes my contact to another technical recruiter for TPM/ PgM roles. I'm confused - am i starting the loop all over? Why did they say i need to wait 1 year before applying again?

PTC noogler19 Jan 18, 2019

Happened to me in app engineer role. After on-site asked for another round of coding on hangout. Then rec called to inform me that I was rejected .. but was close. One month later he calls again to tell me that I was approved on an appeal to HC. And released offer letter.

Market Track pmnote OP Jan 18, 2019

Lucky you!!

Amazon chipndl Apr 29, 2019

That wasn’t expected lol good turn around

PTC noogler19 Jan 18, 2019

Ask new recruiter what will happen. In my case they said I can reapply in 6 months and next time will only need one code and one design round. Then when one month later came with surprise good news.

Market Track pmnote OP Jan 18, 2019

I asked the recruiting coordinator (before being passed to recruiter #2) what role/team it was for and she didn't say anything.. i will ask again abt that and what will happen with the loop