CompensationJan 23, 2019

I have the biggest golden handcuffs: startup equity

I was an early employee at a startup and would really like to leave, but I’ve done the math on TurboTax just now and exercising my vested options would incur into a payment of 240k between exercise cost (40k) and AMT payment on the hypothetical gain (200k). The math is unfortunately correct and matches my back of the napkin calculations (yes, I’m a multi millionaire ON PAPER according to the last fair market value, but the company is totally not going to liquidity any time soon and could easily go under before then, new management is a bunch of fucktards). The company is not allowing secondary transactions and funds such as ESO fund take 50%+ of the proceeds which is horrible. Daaaamn

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Google चाचा चौधरी Jan 23, 2019

Weird flex, but okay

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

I just said I want to leave: I’m terribly burned out and close to going in depression because of my job. Does that seems like bragging?

Intel superrr Jan 23, 2019

You sort of answered your own question. If you feeding you are going into depression, maybe it's better to cash out whatever you can. Find a better job with good wlb... And save your self the health. You can earn money later in life too

Microsoft ping2 Jan 23, 2019

No risk, no gain. On the other side, you’d better be poor and alive than a dead millionaire 😁

Okta nfc Jan 23, 2019

The value of early exercise strikes again.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

Yeah, early exercise that the company didn’t allow me to ever do... by the time I had enough vested shares to justify exercising them, the market value was already high to cause significant AMT annoyance. Never again at a startup, founders and investors just take too much advantage of employees.

bgutsr Jan 23, 2019

You weren’t allowed to exercise your options as they vested? ToKL28 Jan 23, 2019

Yeah, this is the problem with non liquid options.

DoorDash Tj2Q8mtAI Jan 23, 2019

I did some research on this. You can either sell your shares on equidate (now called forge) or loan money from services like ESO fund. The terms of the deal depends on how much liquidity you want and how many shares you're willing to give up. In general, these services are not too employee friendly. Depending on your risk tolerance, you can always exercise some portion of your options for you to keep and use the rest with ESO fund or equidate. You don't have to give up everything or buy everything.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

I will look into equidate, though the company is small and not many people heard of it, it’s not like selling shares of Slack... On ESO fund, like I said I contacted them, and they take 50%+ of the proceeds, crazy.

Dropbox QqLQ41 Jan 23, 2019

Good suggestion. Equityzen is also a good option. Just focus on the positive side, there are tons people who worked at startups and get burned and walked away with $0...

|l|l||l|l| Jan 23, 2019

Are you able to exercise part of it, sell and cash out, then use the new cash to exercise the rest of it?

Okta nfc Jan 23, 2019

If they're not liquid, no.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

They’re not liquid. They may never become liquid, or become liquid in 24-36 months, which is many tax deadlines away..

Facebook public2 Jan 23, 2019

So leave? If you are good companies will match. I had similar situation and goog bought me out in cash + gsus dollar for dollar. Experience may very but companies can do this if they want. I had assumed no one would so sharing it's not impossible.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

We are talking about 240k post tax that I’m not going to put out of my pocket but that I would need to pay roughly in 90 days. That means I would need a sign on bonus of roughly 400k to cover my tax liability...

Facebook public2 Jan 23, 2019

Yep, I understood. 400k isn't much to many companies

Evernote bakbak🐔 Jan 23, 2019

Money isn’t everything. Promised money isn’t anything.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

Tell it to the IRS, since they apparently want money even based on promised money...

Evernote bakbak🐔 Feb 2, 2019

That would imply that promised money is worth even less than nothing so my point still stands

23andMe Icgb16 Jan 23, 2019

How long have you been there for? Take a one or two month sabbatical if you can. Sounds like you might just need to chill out a bit... then when you get back, put in your 40 hours and no more... wait for liquidity if you can, odds are options will cash out... the tax on that still sucks pretty hard but better than a $200k tax bill. Equity programs/taxes are so jacked up sometimes. The 90 day exercise period is not enough for the average employee.

shsy OP Jan 23, 2019

Agreed. It’s a shame company implement the 90 day expiration window. If I could go back, I would negotiate a much longer window, or just not join.

Applied Material BcomDaBear Jan 23, 2019

I am assuming you have ISOs in which case the 90 day window is set by law. But yes, the AMT bill from exercising is awful.

Expedia Sharknado Jan 23, 2019

Pay the 50% to ESO or leave it all on the table. The other option is to be a depressed sad millionaire