Tech IndustryNov 11, 2019

Is leaving SWE for devops worth it, to get a foot in the door?

Not sure of the exact nature of this devops position but it looks like this group thinks devops has limited growth potential.

Google muhnuchw🐵 Nov 11, 2019


Citadel BrutеForce Nov 11, 2019

Stay swe or even better leave for a good swe job instead.

Red Hat Omj5gf Nov 11, 2019

Why is that? I’m planning to make a switch to DevOps

oeeL53 Nov 11, 2019

Depends what you mean by DevOps. Automating infrastructure with code = yes, installing and configuring Jenkins = no

nfxopk Nov 11, 2019

If you do a lot of development for infrastructure, it might be worth it. Nowadays, DevOp is a fancy word for sysadmin

oeeL53 Nov 11, 2019


eBay ebaysucks Nov 11, 2019

I dont agree , devops is evolving depends on company, if you will be writing code for infrastructure totally worth it.