CompensationMar 21, 2018

Is so important to have competing offers to Google?

Can the competing offers increase my total compensation at Google a lot more than negotiation without them? Which companies would you recommend to offer compensation that can be competing? I want Google but ofc with a nice offer. Is it worth to recruit to some other places?

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Docker GoogleMaps Mar 21, 2018

FAANG Airbnb Dropbox

Google plane Mar 21, 2018

It's FANG, Apple.

Microsoft BCWs17 OP Mar 21, 2018

Amazon offer probably cannot be competing?

Amazon JustFOokIt Mar 21, 2018

Unless it's a level up

Google gitpush-f Mar 21, 2018


Google Crypidiot Mar 21, 2018

Google does not negotiate if you don't have competing offers.

Airbnb Cheskle Mar 21, 2018

They have a set of companies they’ll match (think FANG), else with other offers they’ll match some percentage lower (10%), else they’ll come in a little lower than their median for which they level you at

Microsoft BCWs17 OP Mar 21, 2018

By FANG you mean Amazon or Apple?

LinkedIn tDgh3K Mar 22, 2018

What about Uber, Lyft, Airbnb? I was told they fight most aggressively with FB offers. Less so with others.

Autodesk FAANG_BA Mar 21, 2018

Does google recruiter ask for copy of other company's offer ?

Google Crypidiot Mar 21, 2018

Not in my case. I just told them my FB offer number and they actually went above a bit.

Autodesk FAANG_BA Mar 21, 2018

Did they ask level and base/rsu/ etc ? Or anything else ?

Google ilwL81 Mar 21, 2018

I gave my expectations of FB offer and they responded with higher TC. FB wouldn’t budge when I tried negotiating but then beat Google’s offer after I told them what it was.

Google Wprjfb Oct 31, 2018

I have similar experience. Couldn't get FB to really budge until presented Google offer.

TruIdiot Oct 27, 2018

In my case Google came up with 50k less TC than FB offer. Maybe because I had L5 comp and Google down leveled me to L4.