Tech IndustryAug 3, 2018

Looking for Linkedin and Airbnb referrals

In need of linkedin and airbnb referrals. New grad with interest in ML. Glad to discuss over PM.

Microsoft abshx Aug 3, 2018

oh boy, another new grad with an interest in ML

LinkedIn RIPLBS Aug 3, 2018

Feel free to ping me!

kai59 Aug 3, 2018

Hey! I'm in the exact same boat and am looking for similar opportunities as well. Could I please dm you my profile too if you don't mind?

LinkedIn trollin Aug 3, 2018

Referrals are not taken seriously unless the referrer personally know you through school or work experience. Asking for a referral from a random person on an app like Blind is a waste of time as even if you get one, it won't matter. Go through the contacts you've made at school, in internship or previous jobs instead.