Tech IndustryOct 28, 2018

MBA student looking for Business Analyst job

Hi, I am looking for a BA job for one of my friend. He is currently working as a senior BA and has 4 years of experience. His skill set is very good and includes programming language R as well. He is having a difficult time finding a job, if there is anyone who can help please let me know. It would be a great help because his H1B is not yet sponsored and OPT period is ending soon. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks

JohnDoe. Oct 28, 2018

I would have offered a referral but with the 'OPT period ending soon', my company won't hire. It's a small company anyway, so you didn't miss anything.

ServiceNow Rdhayw OP Oct 28, 2018

The OPT period is ending in 22 months because he enrolled in a new university

JohnDoe. Oct 28, 2018

As far as I know, they only consider people with stem extension so they get 3 chances at the lottery. But I can check if you have 2 chances left. Pm me your resume.

IBM TC:374k Oct 28, 2018

Is he from a top mba program?

ServiceNow Rdhayw OP Oct 28, 2018

Yes, one of the top in San Francisco

IBM TC:374k Oct 28, 2018

I don't mean to be rude but why is he shooting for a BA job. He can make multiples more working in private equity, sales or consulting in the bay area. Being a BA at faang is cool and all but it's all about TC.