Tech IndustryJan 10, 2019

MOCKED for starting interview in C#

My recruiter for this large company wouldn't tell me until the morning of the interview (had asked two weeks ago). He told me that they said any language would be fine. When it came time to start writing the code on the board in the first coding session, I started writing the code in C# and told them what it was. But in the middle of me describing my tree traversal code, they said "you know this position uses Java, right?" And I said yes, and informed them that others told me that it's the algorithmic core that is focused on and that they said any language used on the board is great. Then they told me I needed to write it in Java. Then I turned to change some of the code. As I'm explaining, I turn around, and they're looking at each other, laughing silently. Then we covered two more problems. After the interview, I go get some water. They're ahead of me, and I hear them mentioning C# and one of them rubbing their hand over their head and the other one laughing. I wish I was Eurasian so that I wouldn't have to deal with this malcontent and extreme pain like this. Why on Earth do we have it so unbearably difficult? Why on Earth am I being manipulated for things I can't change?

Airbnb nbbhcc Jan 10, 2019

Sounds like a shitty company

Aurora bystander! Jan 10, 2019

👆🏾 love this dude. Still harping on “Eurasian” thing. Btw .. TLDR. Time it took you to write this post, you could have learnt Java.

Apple kJgFebNj Jan 10, 2019

Those engineers were dicks

Amadeus Trick2g Jan 10, 2019

If it’s a true story, then I feel for you man. It’s unfair. But if it’s made up like you are known in these forums for, then I guess nice try.

Vertivco FastPapuan OP Jan 10, 2019

It is very unfair. The problem is, there's no freaking way to fix it. The people who say that they're fixing it, they all disappear or are somehow not around. Why me. Why oh why me?

MathWorks rew Jan 10, 2019

If that happens again walk out. They are not worth your time.

Vertivco FastPapuan OP Jan 10, 2019

Duly noted. ✔️

Nvidia dushank Jan 10, 2019

If you knew the job would use Java, and you knew how to code in Java, why use some other language for the interview? Forget what the recruiter told you. Common sense would be to code in Java. The interviewers do sound like jerks, but you should have never put yourself in the situation to begin with.

Vertivco FastPapuan OP Jan 10, 2019

The hiring manager told me that they use both.

Microsoft Zxcasd Jan 11, 2019

Incorrect. Any languages should be fine so the candidate can choose the most comfortable one. What dushank said is one of the common biggest mistake candidates often make.

Amazon r0qqTk Jan 10, 2019

So eurasians get to write c# is what you're suggesting?

Microsoft hhfdho Jan 10, 2019

Such jerks! What company is this ? You should have just walked out after that experience.

Google jamal Jan 10, 2019

The world is against you for not being Eurasian

Microsoft pJcW86 Jan 10, 2019

Tell them they should work on their communication skills and they should tell THEIR recruiter they are not infact accepting any language and the interview will be in Java and then walk out. Idiots if they worry more about the language vs. what you actually wrote to solve the problem.