Tech IndustryAug 20, 2019
Knock Incdjeehd322


I have orientation in a couple of weeks and have a few questions around performance. How are expectations like CME or EE determined / measured? Do you set KPI's? How do you determine / set them? How do you show you're ready for a higher level? L4 / 240 / 3 yoe

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Knock Inc djeehd322 OP Aug 20, 2019

Updated 3 yoe

Google FTcI53 Aug 20, 2019

Depends on the manager in terms of whether there will be individual okrs. There are team okrs. With regards to performance evaluation, see what the swe ladder says about the next level. If you demonstrate all attributes of the current level and none of the next level you get a meets If you demonstrate all of current level and some of next, it's exceeds If you demonstrate all of current plus most of next, it's see If you demonstrate all of current and all of next, it's superb That's a very general guideline. Exceptions are always there. Also depends on the org and other things.

Knock Inc djeehd322 OP Aug 20, 2019

Thank you, this is very helpful!

Google googleyn Aug 20, 2019

Each level/ladder have expectations documented, so you will be measured against those and will get rating. So for example if you are meeting expectations for L5 then you will get SEE as L4. Also, L4 with 3 YOE is really great given that at this YOE Google generally pushes for L3.

Knock Inc djeehd322 OP Aug 20, 2019

Thank you! What does SEE stand for?

Google googleyn Aug 20, 2019

Strongly exceeds expectations

Apptio cloudwind Aug 20, 2019

You will be fine. The ramp time is 6 months. So you will get a CME most likely.