StartupsJul 16, 2018

PMs from failed start-ups

πŸ‘† if you have worked at one of the failed start-ups, how was your life post the startup? How was the job search post the startup? Were you able to find an equally paying job? Took any cut in pay? How tough was it to find a new job?

Nielsen pm_me_tc Jul 16, 2018


Jet DelMonte Jul 16, 2018

My friend worked at a whopper of a failure and ended up at FANG. Turns out network and person matter more than company. Company can open doors but you have to close them.

albion Jul 16, 2018

How big a whopper? 30 million dollars around?

Jet DelMonte Jul 16, 2018

>75M in funding. I can’t stress how much this is a personal mental barrier and not real. When’s the last time you rejected someone because their big risk failed?

Microsoft conspire1 OP Jul 16, 2018

We all know that many developers from failed startups make it to FANG. Nobody blames a developer for the start-up's failure. But PMs are in a different boat, because PMs in startups influence business decisions. So the question is how does the industry value a (failed) startup PM's experience? Any people that you know of?

Facebook Mixitup Jul 16, 2018

I worked at a successful startup (700m acquisition) and a failed startup. Had no problems finding jobs after the startup failed. All offers were greater than my comp at the startup.