Tech IndustryOct 2, 2019

Referral to Engineering Leadership roles

seeking referrals to engineering leadership roles. Honestly getting calls has been harder than the preparation, below is my target list but I will taken what I get. need to get out of my current job before Nov. 1. Cruise 2. Affirm 3. Salesforce 4. Dropbox 5. Slack 6. Square 7. Adobe 8. Robinhood 9. Asana 10. Instacart 11. rubrik yoe: 18 tc: ~280k 150 LC, good with behavior and system design interview.

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger OP Oct 2, 2019

65 views... no comment? Is there a better place to ask for referral?

Snapchat bFCN68 Oct 2, 2019

I guess your post doesn't give enough incentive

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger OP Oct 2, 2019 about this. Refer me, earn referral bonus, good karma and a great teammate with just one email...!!

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger OP Oct 2, 2019

But for reals.... any help will be much appreciated. Without a refer it seems impossible to get a recruiter to talk to me about an engineering leadership position.

Microsoft FwwQ08 Oct 2, 2019

The trick to getting recruiters to respond to you re: eng leadership... is to already be an engineering leader. Rise up internally, and you won’t have any trouble finding a new role.

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger OP Oct 3, 2019

I have that. 1. Currently a Sr Director Tech at my company 2. Consistent growth pattern from a line manager to Sr Dir over 7 years (4 promotions) 3. 5+ years of people management 4. 2+ years of managing other managers The one thing that I don’t have is “recent” experience with a product company. Mostly in consulting But apart from that like I said 1. Good with behavior interviews 2. Good with system design 3. Only given 2 coding screens (yelp and a start up passed them both) 4. 150 LC (mostly medium and easy, < 10 hard) Doing everything I can, including ready to take EM/SrEm role which maybe a bit of a step down but tc should make up for that. challenge is getting say 10 calls for EM/SrEM role from top 10 companies so I get like 5 onsite and hopefully more that 1 offer. So asking for help here

Snapchat bFCN68 Oct 3, 2019

Thanks for clarification. Want to try Snap? :) We need managers who are able to explain what they want and why :D

Publicis Sapient LCdebugger OP Oct 3, 2019

Heck yes. I’m in LA so yea, can you refer me pls?