Security CareerMay 14, 2019

Security certifications (OSCP,CEH, OSCE) worth it ?

Hi, does the security certifications increase the chance to get a job ?

wQck55 May 15, 2019

Depends. If you have plenty of experience I would say it’s not much of a difference. The less professional experience you have the more it helps. Someone applying for a penetrating testing position with a junior experience level but a OSCP would more easily get an interview than without. OSCE seems to help a bit for more senior positions, a few days after I posted mine on LinkedIn, I was contacted by an Amazon recruiter for example - doubt it was coincidence in timing.

jBhM11 OP May 15, 2019

Thanks !

ffffuuuuun May 15, 2019

Yes. But not by much and you certainly aren't disqualified for not having any. I have none and have had good offers from FANG & co.

T-Mobile je9b3xa May 15, 2019

You learn a lot studying for them. Also, just go after the top cert needed by majority of listings.

Apple EyePhoneX May 15, 2019

You’d be surprised how many incompetent people I’ve interviewed with a ton of certs. Get it if your company is paying for them or you feel like it would help. I’ve never seen a big tech company give a damn about it. It’s the interview that counts (although if you came from another FAANG that might help get your foot in the door). Another thing is there is a major talent shortage in Infosec so I don’t think companies that matter care about such things.

Amazon djeurbkeb May 16, 2019

CEH is useless. The others are pentesting focused. What line of security do you want to go to.

jBhM11 OP May 17, 2019

At the moment I am a security engineer , and do some pentest , main reason why I am asking, is worth to buy this courses to move from my current position and prove my skills with that certification ? , or I should more focus on self studying to prove my skills on interview, and the last one , I am not eligible to work in USA/Canada and I thought this certs will add a chances to obtain offers or be more interesting for recruiters.