Tech IndustryMay 1, 2018

Should I join Robinhood, Airbnb, Uber, or Facebook?

I got offers at all four but am having trouble deciding. Robinhood seems really interesting, but I’m worried about the risk of a smaller company. How do you guys think about smaller startup versus something more established?

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PayPal Pfkshab May 1, 2018

How did you crack the interviews?

Amazon MagicCap May 1, 2018

OP works at DoorDash, so I’m guessing he or she went to an elite school, took and aced their algo class, grinded leetcode and got a bunch of top tier internships. The hardest part for OP was probably the system design, so they just watched a handful of lectures and did a few mock interviews with friends. How far off am I op?

DoorDash 1gs25 OP May 1, 2018

Pretty spot on. For system design I just tried to understand how my current company works by asking senior people here, and then I read a few articles online.

Amazon MagicCap May 1, 2018

Easily Robinhood. Best talent right now. After that Airbnb for potential upside and FB for the overall consistent quality.

DoorDash 1gs25 OP May 1, 2018

How do you know the talent there is the best? I would’ve thought larger companies would have better engineers

Amazon MagicCap May 1, 2018

Just what I’ve heard from acquaintances there. They also have a super high bar from what I’ve heard. Large upside IMHO

Arbob May 1, 2018

What about google?

DoorDash 1gs25 OP May 1, 2018

Google felt too large, but I probably should’ve applied there just to get an offer

Arbob May 1, 2018

Ok good luck at robinhood 😉

Commvault Hebdi62hs May 1, 2018

Mind sharing Robinhood’s TC?

Postmates channeI May 1, 2018

Why are you leaving DoorDash though?

Reddit SnooSnoo May 1, 2018

Have you met their management? Its all people with two years experience straight out of Stanford. Its more a frat than a business. I was talking to their director of engineering and he said they only want to hire people with six years experience managing teams of 10 or more. When he has non of that. I think they realized how bad they messed up in hiring all their buds.

DoorDash 1gs25 OP May 1, 2018

DoorDash seems to be doing well but I don’t like how competitive the industry is. How are things at Postmates?

Amazon lEUj88 May 1, 2018

Did the offers all come in at the same time? When you get an offer don't they usually say it expires after a week or something. Was it just luck the offers we're close together time wise? Just curious how that works...

Salesforce dijkstras May 1, 2018

How many onsites did you take to get 4 offers?

DoorDash 1gs25 OP May 1, 2018

I did 5 onsites in total

Apple bingobingo May 1, 2018

Care to share ballpark offers?

Cisco loJH48 May 1, 2018

Join who the fak cares. It’s right across the companies you mentioned

Microsoft Pubgggg May 1, 2018

Robinhood has an awesome app, I looked at working there but aren’t they in Palo Alto? Cost of living is extremely high, basic house cost millions

Amazon MagicCap May 1, 2018

All of these are probably in MPK, SF and Palo Alto

Uber unfzjbd May 2, 2018

Also robinhood base salary is low but SV rent is high