Tesla Self driving

I heard Tesla released a new self driving car demo. Is Tesla actually leading the self driving evolution? and Is the quality of software engineers at Tesla better / equivalent or lower as compared to other companies like Google, Uber, Lyft?

Google rassoodock Apr 23, 2019

It's vaporware. Elon Musk doesn't believe in lidar.

GM Financial Epiyon Apr 23, 2019

Those demonstrations sure didn't seem like vaporware... And neural net image processing + ultrasonic renders lidar obsolete, anyway. Did you even watch the stream? It was all explained pretty well.

LinkedIn stuffy🐷 Apr 23, 2019

Lidar doesn’t work when it rains or snows. So even if an autonomous car uses lidar it still has to work without lidar.

Oath Atinlay2 Apr 23, 2019

Just search Blind. this is posted daily

GM Financial Epiyon Apr 23, 2019

If you actually watched Tesla's presentation yesterday, you should have seen that it's all very real and it is frankly incredible.

Apple Yupp! Apr 23, 2019

this 👆

Cruise Automation MNpz56 Apr 30, 2019


mr.jangles Apr 23, 2019

Cameras only is just plain stupid. Theres still a ways to go.

Amazon n0v Apr 24, 2019

Humans use cameras only

mr.jangles Apr 24, 2019

Yea, why build the vibrator when the dildo is more human

Apple Yupp! Apr 23, 2019

Demo was the real drive, that shows the technology is already here and lidar is definitely better but cost and size is just absurd

mr.jangles Apr 23, 2019

Demos show your best results, you are very optimistic.

Apple Yupp! Apr 23, 2019

All the investors were asked to test drive it, I don’t think they will do it until they have a 100% working product , it’s not an iphone which they can switch over if it’s not working, people may die if the car software makes one wrong move ... so little optimistic , just this time 🙂

NetBrain Technologies bosto OP Apr 23, 2019

Could someone please answer the 2nd part of the question as well

Apple Yupp! Apr 23, 2019

Google/uber etc are still trying to make a product whereas Tesla already have a product live , in 1000’s of car which they are optimizing at an awesome rate, so they have a upper hand as of now...

Amazon n0v Apr 23, 2019

Tesla also has a ton of real world data to improve their system. My bet would be on Tesla pulling off the better system in the near term.

eBay haxah Apr 23, 2019

Google has more miles per disengagement than anyone else. Elon hates lidar because it’s ugly having it on the roof and expensive (my guess). Elon has also killed more people than google has with AV. I think we have a long way to go, and Elon won’t hit his dates per the usual.

Microsoft M💰FT Apr 25, 2019

Google has maybe 100 cars and Autopilot running on ~400,000. You can’t compare death numbers here.

Microsoft FBisEvil Apr 23, 2019

Elon is always lying. This FSD promo is just to paint the news cycle bc Wednesday their numbers are going to be horrible. He can’t build a profitable car company so he wants to be valued on autonomous driving lol. Elon doesn’t care about this company. That’s why he embezzled from it to bailout his and his cousins insolvent solar city company. It about money. Elon has taken margin loans against his Tesla equity and cannot have the stock price go down too much, even if that’d be good for the company. https://twitter.com/richardkeppler1/status/1120888716132790272?s=21 3/19/15 (NYT) -"Musk Says Self-Driving $TSLA Cars Will Be in the U.S. by Summer" 10/19/16 (Wired) -"MUSK SAYS EVERY NEW TESLA CAN DRIVE ITSELF" 1/24/17 (Electrek) -"Tesla to transition from ‘Enhanced Autopilot’ to ‘Fully Self-Driving’ as soon as ‘3 to 6 months’, says Musk"

Oath Atinlay2 Apr 24, 2019

How is that lying? “Can drive itself” isn’t the same as “Fully Self-Driving”

Microsoft FBisEvil Apr 24, 2019

He talked about coast to coast with no input autonomy.

Apple Yupp! Apr 24, 2019

But still, it’s a step forward, if he can do it everyone wins except the traditional car companies, oil lobbyist etc etc