Food & TravelDec 28, 2018

Travel in 2018

What % of your household income did your family spend on leisure travels in 2018?

121 Participants
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LinkedIn goldbug Dec 28, 2018

I churn credit cards and I have too many points/miles. So ~0%.

Intuit _💪🥺👍_ Dec 28, 2018

You don’t eat on trips? 🤪

LinkedIn goldbug Dec 28, 2018

Eating doesn’t cost that much. If I travel for 20 days per year and eat $100 per day then that is only $2k which is still less than 1% of my TC.

Cruise Automation tempfault OP Dec 28, 2018

More than 30%? Troll or what.

Apple Snut Ella Dec 28, 2018

High end hookers.

Google tGtt04 Dec 28, 2018

How do you manage to spend even 10%? That seems crazy to me.

b37 Dec 28, 2018

If you live halfway across the globe from where your family lives, and you go back home to see them, travel starts to cost a lot. A family of four travelling internationally on a modest 50k TC would hit 10% easily.