
Uber Product Manager On-Site

What is the Uber Product Manager on-site like? Any preparation hint would be much appreciated.

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Uber KyrN00 May 30, 2018

Product jam, take home assignment. Interviews with design, eng, product

Popiiie OP May 30, 2018

Thanks! Know what I should expect from the interviews? Any interview with data science?

Intel gtfo_intel May 31, 2018

What are the take home assignments like typically ? Any pointers? Prep materials?

PM-IOT Jun 4, 2018

How did it go?

Jenssen Jun 4, 2018

Haven’t had it yet

PM-IOT Jun 5, 2018

Oh okay let us know how it goes. Good luck

Amazon Lbhkfb Jun 5, 2018

What happens in the telephonic round?

Moochi Jun 5, 2018

Typical background discussion

PM-IOT Jun 19, 2018

What was the requirement?

Intel letschange Jun 13, 2018

How did it go ? Can you provide some insight. Thanks