Misc.Nov 19, 2019

Uber self driving car safety update

NPR just ran a story that stated Uber has increased their car safety after they killed a pedestrian last year. I can just picture the code now: public void main(){ //private double safetyRating = 0.3; private double safetyRating = 0.7; while(true){ driveCar(safetyRating); } } In all seriousness, what have you guys done to restore public confidence in self driving car safety? All I ever hear is bad things

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Uber rTjq20 Nov 19, 2019

Tongue in cheek, much less than Salesforce. ATG is just another bleak spot for Uber.

Twitch Poggerino Nov 19, 2019

Everyone in Silicon Valley is vastly overselling the intelligence of “AI”. Single-celled organisms are smarter than “self-driving” cars.

Microsoft panamap Nov 19, 2019

Uber copied all of its self driving code - they forgot to uncomment the safety code

Uber dgsg Nov 20, 2019

Public void main(){ private boolean atg_mode = false; double_private_secret boolean waymo_mode = true; print("safe mode activated"); }