Tech IndustryMay 12, 2019

Weak on decision-making, how to improve it?

I feel my weakness in decision-making jeopardize my upward mobility. Any books or workshop I can leverage?

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Oath OPnd70 May 12, 2019

Take a decision between two options and be able to defend why you chose it. But first, grow a pair.

Cisco acidbase May 12, 2019

Just do it <nike>

Microsoft .exe May 13, 2019

This. It'll be hard at first but the more you do the more you'll get better. Start with low stakes decisions and work your way up. Just make it a habit

Facebook ncbsd May 12, 2019

Make a decision to leave MS then you’re a better man.

Amazon 22/7 May 13, 2019

Gain knowledge and experience necessary for making decisions! At the same time practice by doing.

Amgen Fin4eng May 13, 2019

Have not read, but these books are recommended from PersonalMBA reading list. Sources of Power: how people make decisions Smart Choices Ethics for the Real World The main problem people have with decision making is indecisiveness and I like Amazon’s concept of a 1 way or 2 way door for this to help decisiveness