CompensationApr 23, 2018

What pay rise to expect when moving from Msft (Seattle) to Google(Bay area)?

I am expecting an offer from Google in Bay Area (currently in MSFT in Seattle), corresponding level SWE, no competing offers. What leverage do I have in negotiations? 20% higher tc with California taxes gives me nothing more than I have here. And also there are higher housing and living costs... How big pay rise should I insist on? Can I expect to have about 20% higher net, after taxes pay?

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Facebook public Apr 23, 2018

0. Companies pay cost of labor not cost of living. Believe Google would pay the same in Seattle and the bay.

Microsoft random126 OP Apr 23, 2018

Ok. But as many here says Google pays more so I am wondering if I can hence insist on e.g. 30% rise in tc which gives me more money after tax than I have now?

Facebook public Apr 23, 2018

Wait are you moving from msft to goog or Google to Google. Your text made it sound like the later but title the former.

Facebook Toffees Apr 23, 2018
