
Which company is more tend to capture the talent and teach them inside?

I’m a frontend developer and looking for a job. Seems like everyone looks for reactjs ninja nowadays. So, my emberjs experience doesn’t work well. I’m skeptical about applying for jobs and telling them I don’t know react yet during the interviews. So, which company is more tend to capture talent and give them some time inside to push code to production? Airbnb? Facebook? Microsoft? Uber? Coinbase? Who?

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Microsoft ISee👁️👁️ Aug 23, 2017


Adobe de5 Aug 23, 2017

I've never had a framework be the crux of a hiring decision either as the interviewer or person being interviewed. A good engineer can pick up a framework in a couple weeks, and you should communicate your confidence in your ability to do so. A lot of big companies will have internal frameworks that front end code is built in anyways.

Shipt 👁️❤️🦎 Aug 23, 2017

Learning react takes a week, if you haven't got a job by a week's time then you've probably wasted your time not picking it up

Shipt 👁️❤️🦎 Aug 23, 2017

React is genuinely an amazing framework and not having the experience in it is seen by a lot of places as being out of touch with the new and emerging tech in our field

Twitch NHD556 Oct 3, 2017
