PoliticsMar 4, 2019

Why do Indians flag posts critical of their government?

Should Americans flag any post critical of the US?

Flagged by the community.
Microsoft tenator Mar 4, 2019

What has India come down to? Any specific instead of generalizations?

Google estates Mar 4, 2019

Don't rely on Republic, Times Now, Zee News and other such propaganda spewing channels. You will know what I am talking about.

Microsoft tenator Mar 4, 2019

Lol I just posted a question almost among the same lines. I’m an Indian, I’m a strong supporter of the current govt. but I don’t go around flagging posts 😂 because that’s not how you showcase your favorite govt. One of the theories that I have for why Indians have become over sensitive lately is because: 1. India was attacked multiple times by terrorists supported, exported and trained by Pakistan. And every single time the govt. just kept quiet in the name of peace. They didn’t realize that peace can’t be a one way street. This govt. finally took a bold step and sent strong message to Pakistan that we won’t tolerate it anymore. So people have taken this to heart because they have been desperately waiting for such day. 2. Meanwhile like everywhere there are leftist, SJW, liberal whatever you want to call them, that gang exists in India too. And they are trying really hard to change the narrative. They question the attacks, they doubt the intention, they believe what Pakistan PM says more than what their own PM is saying. So that again enraged the “patriots”. That said I think no matter what dissent should NOT be discouraged. I would love to see my fellow Indians to answer the questions that people raise and show the real face of Indian SJW/Liberals. Also show how Pakistan is harboring terrorists. Rather than going around and flagging posts only to make yourself look desperate and defensive.

Google estates Mar 4, 2019

1. We have previously fought with Pakistan but hasn't yielded any results. India did demonitization claiming this would financially cripple the terrorists, hit back with surgical strikes claiming we took revenge? What happened? Phulwama. You need to understand you are facing people who have been brainwashed to kill others. Either we engage in a full frontal war, which would be devastating to the country or try use peace/diplomatic pressure to solve the issue. 2. Don't fall for government propaganda. No one is questioning the forces, but the government which is milking this for political benefits. There was no need to for jingoism. Ami Shah and co claimed 300 terrorists were killed while IAF didnot give out any number. Most of the reputed media is also questioning the govt claim. Why not shut them up with official numbers. Govt minister claimed no one was killed, this was demonstration of IAF, then foreign secretary claimed 20, the fat Ass Shah claimed 300. What's going on. Our PM's track record with truth is nothing to be proud of either. He has been caught giving alternative facts multiple times. I don't believe in what Imran Khan says either. Dissent should be discouraged? Why is questioning the government antinational?

Oracle tamatar Mar 4, 2019

I was following your thoughts until you said, "dissent should be discouraged"... And you want people to not flag the posts. I'm confused.

LinkedIn ex-fb Mar 4, 2019

Because Indians have some serious insecurities about their country and culture. here is how a British student was trolled for posting online that he completed an IIT Physics paper in less than the allotted time. https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/british-student-at-oxford-gets-iit-jee-100-per-cent-right-angry-indians-abuse-him-and-his-mom-1024163-2017-07-13 Not to mention how many Indians are so proud of the culture which is very primitive—still obsessed with race and lineage like the US was in 1950s. Such Indians who somehow think flagging posts is equivalent to fighting for the country give the rest of us a bad name! I wish there was a separate app for blind Indians.

Google Indian cat Mar 4, 2019

People are insecure because of being bashed continuously for their beliefs and identity. They are constantly told they are good for nothing until Britishers came along. They are told their history is a myth and their beliefs are outdated. They are told defending themselves is seeking retribution and becoming intolerant. Unfortunately for the leftists, they took this narrative too far without trying to understand the what they were denigrating.

LinkedIn ex-fb Mar 4, 2019

Well, several aspects of Indian culture is very superficial and materialistic—marriages are more by ethnicity and financial status than personality. So nothing wrong in pointing it out. And sure, conservatives in every culture feel they are targeted by liberals—not good enough a reason to be so insecure. Even worse, we won’t even admit we are insecure!!

Google estates Mar 5, 2019

By flagging the first comment somebody just proved OP right! The first comment was critical of the govt indicating people getting arrested for criticizing the govt! Stupid RW ppl.

Amazon HlqC56 Mar 5, 2019

Yeah I don't get it, they are making Indians look so bad. Only people afraid of the truth do this kind of thing.