Misc.Jun 12, 2018

Why do people buy a house?

Say you are giving away 250k for down payment and 5k per month on the loan payment. Considering 15% again on 250k stock that is 37.5 per year or about 3k per month. That's about 8k per month of lost money. You can get a nice apartment for rent about 4k. Why do people want to loose 4k per month? I understand house value increases but isn't that a high risk? And would you really sell your house for money? I'd rather spend that extra 4k and enjoy life. I will add some good comments here to let the readers get a tldr. Buy: tax benefit on mortgage Rent: your pay will adjust as well Interesting questions: You think bank is giving you at a much lower interest rate? Why don't banks crash then? What if a new technology company comes in and solves this problem? If we can think about flying cars in 2024, why is it so hard to solve the housing problem? It's funny how most of us work in technology and don't believe this problem would be solved soon and keep worrying about renting 30 years from now.