Tech IndustryDec 3, 2019

databricks onsite for senior software engineer- what to expect?

I have a databricks onsite coming up, in san francisco, how do i prepare for it? The way its setup it seems difficult to prepare for this interview? System design, architecture, coding question, and another question where you need to figure out a new programming language? does anyone have any tips or hints on how they prepared? thanks in advance guys.

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thredUP AxuU42 OP Dec 13, 2019

Does nobody have any thoughts on this?

Databricks vhuygc Dec 14, 2019

It's not much about the preparation. You can prepare indefinitely for alg questions, but we don't care too much about alg performance. We mostly care about your problem solving skills, how quick you can learn (hence the "new programming language" question). You should be able to explain what you're doing, and why you're doing it that way.

thredUP AxuU42 OP Dec 16, 2019

It seems like the focus is on system design(architecture as you guys call it) would that be a fair statement?

gbek Jan 7, 2020

Op, did you get the offer? I have a upcoming onsite at databricks.

thredUP OSsM68 Jan 7, 2020

Nope not at all

Expedia Group banker007 Jan 14, 2020

What is the new programming language question at databricks?

gbek Jan 14, 2020

@vhuygc reply please

Databricks vhuygc Jan 14, 2020

If I tell you, that defeats the purpose of the question

Expedia Group banker007 Jan 15, 2020

What is the level of difficulty of the interview?