do you know if your company uses ATS for hiring?

always curious about the hiring processes at various top companies. Does your company use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) to automatically scan for keywords and such on applicants’ resumes? I’ve never actually worked at a company where that’s the case...whenever I’ve hired I have to scan through tons of Word and PDF resumes...

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Netflix bread Sep 17, 2019

Ew, David. No.

Yelp dubwubwub Sep 17, 2019

I think it's pretty widespread at least in large tech companies. Unless you're in HR, chances are by the time you're looking at a resume it already passed ATS. Yeah it still requires a human look through to make sure the resume didn't just keyword stuff a bunch of nonesense, but you're probably looking at nowhere near the number of applications that actually come in

Verizon Media taco99 Sep 19, 2019

The worst thing about these systems is they actually try to determine your age using machine learning and then screen you out on that basis. Even though that’s illegal.