Tech IndustryFeb 14, 2018

Kids fry your brain

Expecting second kid. Already feel like one has fried my brain. What will be left by the time I hit 40?

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Capital One pigfarts Feb 14, 2018

Nothing, that's what.

Zillow Group GilFoyle1 Feb 14, 2018

Kids who love you because you let them fry your brain, and they will remember that.

Apple J0nyHiv3 Feb 14, 2018

Nope, they don’t. Kids don’t remember what their parents did for them. Mine don’t remember the candies we got for them last week.

Microsoft BlackChain Feb 15, 2018

You are raising an asshole. Lol.

VMware 30somethng Feb 14, 2018

^lol having a baby in the house drops your iq 50 points. Hope you are starting ahead of the curve

Microsoft sudo rm-r Feb 14, 2018

Good luck! From one father to another.

Square 3BBJCN Feb 14, 2018

Did you just assume OP’s gender?

Apple J0nyHiv3 Feb 14, 2018

Did you just assume it’s a guy because he/she said “my brain”? You think women don’t have a brain? You’re such a male pig.

Mozilla sFEk45 OP Feb 14, 2018


Microsoft War Feb 14, 2018


Juniper shitposter Feb 14, 2018

with your brain fried, you'll pop out a baby every year after 40. ☺️

Amazon Looll Feb 14, 2018

It’s the lack of sleep not the pregnancy.

Amazon mUqi08 Feb 15, 2018

A refried brain

Cisco +nt-ispklm Feb 15, 2018

Your budget will change ~-$2000 per kid per month, give or take a few $100. Basically not making a kid, funds the existing kid’s ivy league student loan ;)