PoliticsMay 16, 2018

tRump at it again...Cybersecurity Czar role eliminated. How do you feel about it?

Saw that the office of Cybersecurity Czar has been eliminated even in the face of a vast body of evidence of Russian hacking in 2016 and the continued threat in the midterms. What can the tech community do on its own to combat this willful ignorance of our field threatening our democracy? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna874511?__twitter_impression=true

Trump eliminates job of national cybersecurity coordinator
Trump eliminates job of national cybersecurity coordinator
NBC News
Compass FUPayMe May 16, 2018


LinkedIn J5a9By May 16, 2018

Trump on cybersecurity: 'I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers.' https://mashable.com/2016/09/27/donald-trump-cybersecurity-son/

Apple AppleyMan May 16, 2018

Quite honestly, the position was bullshit from the beginning.

Expedia 76hi89zx OP May 16, 2018

Vote, yeah thats obvious, the point is 23 states had their voter rolls compromised as so votes alone won't do it as the statistically ambiguous margin in the Electoral College proved out beating a 3mil vote advantage in the popular vote. Voting alone isn't enough clearly. AppleyMan - I don't agree, the role is a psuedo CIO or CTO of any global multinational enterprise with varying business units etc. except this is the govt equivalent. This bs removal, the effort to repeal Net Neutrality, our industry is under siege from this corrupt and inept administration. Don't some of you ever feel compelled to use our tech skills to better our local, state, and fed governments in a more altruistic way? Volunteerism as a new community service for the cyber age?

Docker SQL_Inject May 16, 2018

Don’t worry, net neutrality will be upheld once scumbags in Congress realize they won’t be able to access their favorite porn or backpage listings for escorts

Expedia 76hi89zx OP May 16, 2018


Apple magikarp16 May 16, 2018

More idiocy. Instead of improving something logical and important, end it completely

Docker SQL_Inject May 16, 2018

Yeah, like the post above, his son is “amazing at computers”... Trump prob falls for click bait so often that his computer spawns new never before seen viruses

Expedia 76hi89zx OP May 16, 2018

He brags about not using computers which demonstrates how ill equipped he is to even understand the threat...or more likely, he chooses to be seen as ignorant to it all when he's complicit in allowing it to continue to his advantage. Just seems like with the Billions of dollars at the disposal of the Tech industry and with the best Tech talent likely being in the private sector not govt that the industry should be doing more. Well then again you do have FB helping out....on the wrong side. 😂

Google Trump,D. May 16, 2018


Expedia 76hi89zx OP May 16, 2018

I guess I should clarify my post more; while I don't agree with the move to eliminate this role I guess the more meaty part of my question was meant to ask shouldn't the tech industry, our industry, do more to face the obvious threat and blatant disregard this administration has for cyber security in general? Its a very real threat to our democracy and demonstrated by the 2016 election and this administration is doing nothing to address let alone even acknowledge the threat. Great FB has new security/privacy measures, Apple is making yet another iPhone, Google AI wants to bring us into the age of Star Trek addressing "Computer", Elon Musk launched his car into outerspace....wonderful all of it, but guess what, it won't mean shit in the big picture if our democracy keeps being threatened. Shouldn't we be doing more?

Google Trump,D. May 16, 2018


Google Trump,D. May 16, 2018

“Very real threat to our democracy”: (translation) “I’m a brainwashed sheep with no original thoughts and my herd lost the last election. Also, I’m terrible at writing and I work for Expedia. Where to next guys?”

Apple tuolumne May 18, 2018

I feel like it’s exactly something Trump would do. Russian hacking? What hacking? Maybe it was the Chinese. Maybe it was some sweaty fat kid in his mother’s basement. Putin said there was no hacking. No interference. No collusion! BELIEVE ME! Who needs these cyber czars? This is the face of corruption and incompetence. And we’re supposed to believe Hillary was the corrupt one? We all knew what we would be getting with Trump. We deserve what we get.