Tech IndustryNov 9, 2019

👜👑Promotion: Cocky vs Humble

Given 2 equally intelligent, qualified people who have the same impact / track record... and who have same number of cross functional and leadership advocates... vote for which type would get promoted in ***your company*** in comments, share which type YOU would promote personally if you were the Manager.

216 Participants
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Riverbed Technology siegel Nov 9, 2019

I think a lot of people voted Humble thinking which one would they promote.

Google Nov 9, 2019

Bad reputation spreads like airborne disease. "You can fool some people some of the time, but you can't fool everyone all the time." - Abe Lincoln

Oracle alwzangry Nov 9, 2019

In some places you can shut them up even if they aren't fooled.

Google Nov 9, 2019

In public yes, but how can you prevent wagging tongues from chattering outside of the office, after work hours? Most of us don't live in the Soviet Union.

American Airlines ydntudkof Nov 9, 2019

I like those humble, kind, not political coworkers! More money for rest of us when we fight to get promoted and more money.

Google law of one Nov 10, 2019

That's why shitty companies stay shitty

American Airlines ydntudkof Nov 10, 2019

We are talking about TC, money, more money as in why I go to work. Companies shitty or not as long as they pay I will keep showing.

Pandora demiGodess OP Nov 9, 2019

Why is there such a disconnect between who WE would promote as managers vs those who ARE promoted by our Senior Leaders???

American Airlines ydntudkof Nov 9, 2019

I think it is obvious. Consider those promoted are actually doing exactly what Seniors Leaders need and when versus those you would promote are perhaps busy doing things not of any significance to leadership.

Microsoft MMKy42 Nov 9, 2019

Because your leaders don't care about you. 🤷‍♂️

Expedia Group whoopman Nov 9, 2019

The humble person may or may not get promoted. For sure the person who is more outgoing will be noticed and considered come promotion time

Microsoft presci Nov 9, 2019

Aren’t you being a bit too biased?

qiEe55 Nov 9, 2019

Steve Ballmer vs Satya Nadella/Tim Cook/Sundar Pichai

American Airlines ydntudkof Nov 9, 2019


Apple appsrus Nov 9, 2019

I think confidence is necessary to get promoted at Apple. If you aren’t able to stand your ground when a VP disagrees with you in a meeting, that is considered a liability for your whole team. But confidence and arrogance are different. If people on other teams dislike working with you, it will sink your career growth like cement shoes.

LinkedIn dhdnejd Nov 9, 2019

I actually think that it is a big misconception that extroverts perform better as leaders. At least based on the book good to great, it was mainly humble introverts that created better companies. If I understood the book correctly. You dont want people that put themselves first and instead the ones that generally put company first in higher positions.

Bloomberg Enig16 Nov 10, 2019

Lol pretty sure the large majority of CEOs are extroverts.

LinkedIn dhdnejd Nov 10, 2019

I dont disagree, I just say it may be wrong

Palo Alto Networks Fupatroopa Nov 9, 2019

Is this The Tech Lead?