Referral - Data Science/ ML Engineer

I am currently working as ML Engineer at Cigna - Express Scripts and looking to move to companies where ML/DS is aggressively used. Specially looking for roles in Microsoft, Netflix (love building recommendation systems), Google or other companies where the pay is better. Work at ESI is okayish but the pay and position offered is bad. Anyone who has openings in their team would like to refer and help in the interview will be very much appreciated. Eager to learn more and grow. Thanks in advance. ๐Ÿ˜‡ TC: 100,000 YOE: Core DS 2 years including internships Overall experience: 4+ years #DataScience #ML #referrals #faang#dataanalytics #data

Amazon bobmarley9 Sep 3, 2021

Dm for AMZN

Ford FtNX40 Sep 7, 2021

Hey can i dm you for an amazon data science referral?

Amazon bobmarley9 Sep 7, 2021

Yes please

Atlassian mliw345 Sep 4, 2021

DM for Atlassian