No salary data; How to not spend time on interviews

Recruiter's inquiry on Linkedin: – Hi, %candidate% there's a vacancy for you. – Hi, please tell me what's the salary range for this vacancy. – We rely on candidate's salary expectations. – I consider to change a company starting from *desired new salary + 30%* But everyone says: who reveals the salary first – lose. Will I have a smaller bargaining margin when they make a job offer? At the same time, I want to avoid spending time on the interviews before knowing if the company's maximum budget for the position is not lower than my minimum barrier to changing an employer. How to? Context: • I'm ~middle, not really a top talent for now, in the passive search. • Market: Eastern Europe. Almost all recruiters are from companies that don't have enough reported salaries publicly available. Stock options aren't a thing. It's always just salary + minor benefits like health insurance (cheap here).

Amazon SEA44 Feb 16

Tell them what you would consider. If they offer that to you would you really be sad

Valtech jtwB84 OP Feb 16

Not too sad. Just potentially lost opportunity to have a slightly higher income. I'd ask +5% when a job offer is made. But it'll probably be +5% to my initially named number. It's an anchor, I can guess, not right, as they're ready to pay more.

SpaceX dnRr77 Feb 16

The thread would have been dead for me after dodging the question, but I may be overdoing it.