WTF Rippling

Had a fantastic interview. Leetcode question and I solved it in given time with minimal hints.Recruiter reached out to me 7-8 times to schedule interview and got reject today after interviewer was super happy as all cases passed. Yes i am salty about it🤬 Same happened at Uber(that I understand due to hiring slowdown or shadow ban but great interview and interviewer was super happy) I am certain they haven’t interviewed many Apple candidates lately so recruiters should be able to identify me at Rippling for sure and maybe Uber Don’t waste time if you already have selected someone for role. TC 🥜

Financial Services Company NetProMax May 26, 2022

Wonder how much the 🥜 are at Apple

PNC NoElonNo May 31, 2022

Well I guess these are golden 🥜

Amazon superrgirl May 26, 2022

you only get peanut at apple?

Smartsheet imposterSE May 26, 2022

This happened to me before too. But I think it happens both ways where you think you did just ok but interviewers thinks you did great. I would say get over it and keep interviewing. Also maybe someone else did better than you. Or what if someone else did just as good as you but their background/experience is a better fit for the team. Also I’m assuming this was initial tech screen and not full loop?

Apple iNeedWork OP May 26, 2022

Then they shouldn’t email every morning on my official email and beg for interview😡

Uber iXCG71 May 27, 2022

They did that assuming you will clear the interview

Amazon placement May 26, 2022

The same happened to me with bytedance. Let it go - this is their loss.

Apple iNeedWork OP May 26, 2022

Ya it sucks

Microsoft SeekRemote May 26, 2022

Same with Linkedin and Apple.

Apple iNeedWork OP May 26, 2022

Sorry I work with many jerks at Apple. Believe it or not some people hold back feedback just to show their importance and also pretend to be super cool to other non FAANG applicants. I myself had argument with one manager and told him in team meeting how busy are you to give a hire/no hire. Why not give candidate a closure

Microsoft SeekRemote May 26, 2022

Yup. I once had an onsite, did pretty well but got a rejection. Questions mostly about valid parentheses level... 😢

Sabre BA ψ May 26, 2022

Apple TC is peanut?

Uber sirmartin May 26, 2022

You can work for me, I'll double your salary to 2🥜.

Microsoft peekatpico May 27, 2022

Not sure Apple is giving you 🥜, I thought they would at least pay 🍏 for obvious reasons

Arcesium ThreadPool May 28, 2022

Happened to me today at msft. In the last round, the HM asked a gfg hard(not on LC, didn’t expect it from msft though) and I was kinda close to solving it from a hint from an interviewer but couldn’t get the exact algo and ran out of time. Got rejected. Theres nothing we can do. Just move on and let it go. I know it sucks and our confidence takes a hit as well but it is what it is.

Apple DGPSRKH May 29, 2022

What topic do they ask for Phone screen?