What did you do to coast?

If one already knows or feels like they're on the chopping block, how would you work for the time being? How do you really coast w/o making it too obvious? I probably wont stay and planning to leave around this october if i dont get laid off. Anyone have been in this position? For context, im in a very dysfunctional team and thats what makes it toxic, my mood and health has deteriorated tremendously since joining Chase about 2 years ago. My close friends and family told me ive changed alot and that im not the bright person i used to be. Im thinking of going back to school to do masters if i cant find external offers due to bad market Tc 157k

McKinsey jugaad69 Jan 21

Try your best to not become emotionally invested. You know you don't want to be there, so what they say about your performance won't matter. Therapy helps. So does ChatGPT.

HCL Jagge Jan 21

Layoffs there?

JPMorgan Chase UncDimon OP Jan 22

yup its layoff season for us

Microsoft KillRajesh Jan 22

Don't let work affect you so much. It's a job. Do it for money. If you get fired or laid off or don't like it, go somewhere else. Get into a position where you have breathing room financially. Then remember that you can always leave it you dislike it there.