100 fully remote SWE jobs (7 added today)

I got tired of sponsored LinkedIn posts which weren’t actually remote or had 1000s of applicants. So I started aggregating actual remote jobs myself. Check it out: https://cscareers.lol/remote/ #remote #remotecompanies

DTRn54 Apr 14

Applying directly is fine ? Or do we need to get referrals? Any comments?

Capital One CxqT34 OP Apr 14

In most cases having a referral can help your odds of making it through resume screening, but if you don’t have any contacts at a company it’s OK to apply direct.

LinkedIn 5m Apr 14

This UI is too basic. Can you add some filtering?

Capital One CxqT34 OP Apr 14

You can filter the table by any of the present columns

LinkedIn 5m Apr 14

May be I'm blind, can't see how. You need filter dialog similar to Redfin search, e.g. filter by TC, title, technologies, etc

Capital One yamlToe Apr 14

Nice! As a fellow Capital One victim, thank you for the prospects!

Capital One CxqT34 OP Apr 15

Yea C1s RTO was handled so poorly

Amazon ohzY18 Apr 14

Thanks applied to six off this :D