Gaming IndustryNov 5, 2022

Where my theorycrafters at??

Hey guys, in World of Warcraft there used to be a thriving community of science-adjacent nerds who'd carefully pick through every aspect of the game and optimize (or "min-max" as they say) their characters' throughput. The game has a lot of optional power-ups, equipment types, power levels, etc that make for a pretty interesting space full of possibilities to optimize your character. Lately it seems like all the nerds who did that got hired by Blizzard and/or quit playing the game, though. SimulationCraft is running on fumes, WarcraftLogs and RaidBots are run as lifestyle businesses that barely scrape by, etc. It's still fun to play, but it sucks that there's no decent scientific community now. It's all just dumb gamer kids who shit on each other. So I need all of you to go buy WoW and load it up, get decent at it, then min-max yourselves and publish the process. Let's meet back here in a couple of weeks #warcraft #gaming #theorycrafting #oldmanwithnofriends

Splunk fjf88qq Nov 5, 2022

You missed the boat. Move on. Otherwise, those dumb kids you're describing is you.

Veeam EQoI14 Nov 5, 2022

Yeah no one plays anymore get a life that game sucks and ended like 5 expansions ago.

ZenithY OP Nov 18, 2022

yeah, it's true.. I need to get my shit together and work on an app

WB Games uiUj85 Nov 5, 2022

Wow is trash.

Indeed generates Nov 13, 2022

They're on discord, I would say try the war craft priests discord they are the largest theory crafters left I think.

ZenithY OP Nov 18, 2022

Thanks man, I'll check it out Chances are they're a bunch of dumb noobs though, just like almost all the other theorycrafters