Shall I consider Google L6 EM Role or push for L7?

Hello Blinders: I am group EM at Microsoft at L66 (YOE: 13 years). I am on track for L67 pretty soon, and I am enjoying my work, role and have great relationship with leaders. I interviewed at Google for an L7 role. My interviews went great. My recruiter told me that Tech Leadership round was no hire for L7 but strong hire for L6. Rest of the other rounds - including System Design - were hire calls for L7. I have had couple of team fit calls with directors. In the second team fit call, the director was pretty direct in saying that my leveling seems right at the border of L6 and L7, and most likely hiring committee would recommend L6. I told him right there that if it is L6, then consider it a No Hire. They will take some time to come back. I am looking for guidance on how to proceed forward. Here are the options: 1. I can continue to hardball and tell them that I would need L7. In fact, this is how I landed L7 interviews. My recruiters said no to L6 and my interviews were all scheduled for L6. I did lot of prep for even coding round (and was able to do LC Medium with ease), but then got bored of the prep and told recruiter that I would only interview if it is for L7. She obliged. I am not really looking for Group EM role. EM role at L7 is god enough, and frankly I would enjoy it more. 2. I can tell recruiter to consider me for L6. Of course it is a down-level but I am not sure how much it would hit my compensation. I do have around $450k worth of unvested stock, so even if they offer me around $800k of stocks, I might still loose out in the long run considering my L67 is up soon, and refreshers at L67 > L6. More important than compensation - I would need to build relationships, play office games all over again. Even though I am good at it but it is no guarantee that I would succeed. 3. I can continue at Microsoft even if offered at L7. As I said, I am enjoying my work, and not only I am on track for L67 but I have a feeling that I am on track for Partner over next 3-4 years (of course, many many stars needs to align). Comp at Google - not yet offered Comp at Microsoft - not important to disclose. And based on my knowledge of comp of 200+ people I have seen over past 4-5 years - across different teams - 95% of people put wrong comp. So what's the point anyway :) I do promise to put my Google comp once I get it. I have not tried Facebook E6 or E7

Amazon osJg67 Sep 19, 2021

What are the rounds for Google L7

Microsoft cc'ed Sep 19, 2021

You'd get better responses if you post your TC. This is Blind afterall, what are you afraid of?

Microsoft Ricordo OP Sep 19, 2021

I am looking for advice for experienced folks/managers/senior ICs, and they don’t care about TC on Blind. And we all know most of the TC is fake anyways . I am promising to write my Offer from Google as that should be of interest to many.

Google littylit Sep 20, 2021

Most of the TCs are not fake. In my experience ~ 80% of them are correct. I recently interviewed for G/F for L6 and can confirm that I saw similar figures to what has been mentioned on blind.

Facebook relu6 Sep 25, 2021

It is not clear why you are considering a move to Google. May be we should start there.

Amazon knmbj Oct 8, 2021

Op, any update here please?

Google alkrnd Feb 27, 2022

L66 scope is closer to L7, but comp may be closer to L6